Cincinnati Coffee Festival Announces Poster Competition for 2023

Accepting submissions now through March 15, 2023

The Cincinnati Coffee Festival is now accepting entries for the 2023 Poster Competition. This is a chance to get your artwork in front of thousands of people and support the coffee and tea community in Cincinnati.

The winner will receive:

  • 2 tickets to the Cincinnati Coffee Festival
  • $250.00
  • Framed copy of winning poster
  • Recognition on the Cincinnati Coffee Festival website

Cincinnati Coffee Festival is the Midwest’s premier coffee festival attracting thousands of attendees as well as coffee roasters, coffee and tea shops, bakers, pastry shops, and chocolatiers from around the region. With samples, demos, and live music, it’s a can’t-miss event for coffee lovers. This year’s event will be hosted from October 21 to 22 at Cincinnati Musical Hall.

The deadline for submissions is March 15, 2023, at 5 pm. Entry forms, detailed requirements, and additional information for the contest can be found on the Cincinnati Coffee Festival website at Winners will be announced on April 14, 2023.

Cincinnati Coffee Festival is a major fundraiser for Ohio River Foundation, a Cincinnati-based nonprofit with successful programs dedicated to protecting and improving the water quality and ecology of the Ohio River and its watershed. Coffee has a natural connection to that mission. The festival’s tagline is “Without Great Water, You Can’t Have Great Coffee.”

The design of the poster must be adaptable for any and all uses including the poster, t-shirts, program material, and other Festival uses.

The winning poster will be chosen by a panel of judges selected by the Cincinnati Coffee Festival.

The artist must be 18 years of age or older and reside within 75 miles of downtown Cincinnati. Artists may submit more than one entry (each entry requires an individual entry form). Questions can be directed to Judi Cogen at

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