When you support ORF you are an advocate for clean drinking water for all, environmental conservation, effective climate change resiliency programs, and environmental education. ORF can work with you to develop a partnership that aligns with your goals, engages your employees and customers, and showcases your commitment to restoring and protecting the watershed.
Check out the opportunities below or contact us to learn more about how you can partner with Ohio River Foundation!
Opportunities include:
Event Sponsorship
Connect with thousands of potential customers by sponsoring one of ORF’s signature events: Cincinnati Coffee Festival and the Wild and Scenic Film Festival. Now accepting sponsors for our 2024 Cincinnati Coffee Festival!
Corporate & Group Volunteering
Volunteer with your group or company on one of our habitat restoration projects. Contact Sara Brandts at sarabrandts@ohioriverfdn.org to learn more.
Mission Support & Project Funding
Provide critical support to ORF’s work by funding restoration projects, investing in initiatives that align with your business goals, or directing your grant or in-kind gift where support is needed most.
Workplace Giving
Support our work through a workplace giving program or matching gift program. You can add ORF to your workplace giving program or add an EarthShare campaign. Learn more!
Some of Our Partners
Thank you from the Ohio River Foundation!
Plus more than 100 federal, state, and municipal agencies, and non-profit organizations