What we do

Protect and restore the Ohio River and its watershed

ORF diligently works to protect and restore the water quality and ecology of the Ohio River Watershed through advocacy, habitat restoration, and school education and youth programs. The results of this work create climate change resilient habitats.


Thousands of students participate in our hands-on education programs every year.

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Habitat Restoration

Our restoration program creates better habitats for native species and improves water quality in the Ohio River watershed..

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We are a strong voice for improving water quality and for protecting and restoring the Ohio River and its tributaries.

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Your Donation Makes a Big Impact

  • $25 can provide food for the freshwater mussel “ambassadors” we use in our Mussels in the Classroom program.
  • $100 can buy water quality equipment to enable us to identify pollution problems.
  • $500 can help 50 students be River Explorers for a day of learning in a river or creek.
  • $1,000 can plant 100 native trees to restore critical habitat and help keep our water clean.