Donate Stocks

You can make a gift of appreciated securities—publicly traded stocks, bonds, and mutual fund shares—to ORF while avoiding capital gains tax and/or securing a stream of income. It’s easy, and it makes an impact!

Donate Stocks

How It Works

  1. You transfer securities to ORF.
  2. ORF sells the securities and uses the proceeds to fund essential ORF programs.

How You Benefit

  • You receive credit and an immediate income tax deduction for the fair market value (average high and low prices on the day of the transfer).
  • You completely avoid capital gains tax. Note: To garner the greatest tax savings, the stock contributed must have been held by you for more than 12 months.


If you have any appreciated stock, you can use this secure online giving tool that guides you through the steps of making your donation to us, while saving on taxes. Please contact with any questions.

Donating appreciated stock is one of the easiest ways to give more to the cause you care about!

Your stock donation is a great way to support our mission, provide an income tax deduction for the full market value
and avoid capital gains tax on the appreciated value.

Mutual Funds

Before giving mutual funds, please contact Rich Cogen at or 513-460-3365 with the fund name and ticker symbol. We will then provide you with instructions for transfer.

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Your Donation Makes a Big Impact

  • $25 can provide food for the freshwater mussel “ambassadors” we use in our Mussels in the Classroom program.
  • $100 can buy water quality equipment to enable us to identify pollution problems.
  • $500 can help 50 students be River Explorers for a day of learning in a river or creek.
  • $1,000 can plant 100 native trees to restore critical habitat and help keep our water clean.